How to Get a Health Screening That's Right For You

How to Get a Health Screening That's Right For You

When employees undergo health screenings, they can uncover serious health conditions that may otherwise go unnoticed. Health screenings aren't just blood pressure and cholesterol tests, either; they can also include cancer screening, diabetes screening, and other important tests that could save lives. Learn more about the importance of implementing employee health screenings below.

Health screenings can have a dramatic impact on employees' lives.

Employee health screenings can have a dramatic impact on employees' lives. Health screenings can save lives, money and time for both the employee and the company.

What are health screenings

Health screenings are not just for the new hire or the sick. They're also a great way to identify and treat conditions before they become serious, thus preventing conditions like diabetes and heart disease from developing later in life. Health screenings are also a great way to help people at all stages of life live longer, healthier lives.

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about your health today

What is the biggest mistake employers make when offering employee health screenings?

Employers who are just starting to offer health screenings for their employees should think about how they can use the information that's gathered.

"It's not enough to just have a plan in place," says Dr. Michael Cattora, MD, MBA, FACOFP and Executive Director of the Cancer Institute at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center in Camden County, New Jersey. "You need to be prepared to follow up after you get the results."

How do you know who needs a specific health screening?

Employee health screenings are an effective way to identify the health risks your employees face. These screenings can be used to identify risk factors for disease and injury, as well as provide a chance for employees to discuss their concerns about their own health with their employer or a doctor.

What kinds of results should we expect from our employee wellness programs?

You're probably already aware that employee wellness programs can have a significant impact on your bottom line. But are you sure about what you should be looking for? If so, let's explore some of the most common financial benefits:

  • Employee engagement. A happy workforce is an engaged one, and engaged employees tend to stay with an organization longer than those who aren't invested in its success. They also tend to work harder, which leads us to our next benefit.

  • Employee satisfaction/retention rates. You've probably heard this one before—employees who are satisfied with their jobs will be more likely to stick around longer. And that means less turnover! The best part is that these positive feelings don't just affect how long they stay with your company; they also make them more productive while they're there by reducing stress levels and helping them focus on their work instead of worrying about other things going on in their  lives outside work hours (like child care)

Do we need to commit to every disease risk category for every employee, or can we pick and choose which ones we offer?

The answer is that it all depends on your organization's goals, objectives and risk tolerance. You should determine which screenings are most important to you and your employees and then select the screening categories that fit into those priorities.

There are a number of factors you should consider when deciding what to include:

  • What is the overall health of your workforce?

  • Are there certain diseases or conditions more prevalent in your industry than others?

  • Do you want to offer more than one disease risk category because it's seen as being more cost-effective or beneficial?

Once we implement an employee wellness program, how do we keep up momentum?

Once you've established a wellness program, how do you keep up momentum?

First, make it part of your company culture. In order to get employees excited about participating and staying involved in their health, it's important that they feel like the wellness program is theirs. That's why holding regular meetings where employees can discuss their progress and challenges is so important. It allows for open conversation that builds trust between employees and helps them see each other as allies rather than competitors vying for limited resources (i.e., health insurance).

Second, create a team of employees who are in charge of managing the wellness program—they'll need to be able to answer questions from other staff members and make sure everyone understands how they're supposed to participate. Make sure this team has enough time on their hands so they can dedicate themselves fully to running these kinds of initiatives; if not then consider hiring outside contractors specifically for this purpose instead! Finally remember that affordability is key: You want people coming back year after year because it feels good rather than just because it's mandatory or something else entirely less positive about being there every day too long."

Know which employee health screening is most needed and how to keep your employees engaged in their own health.

  • Know which employee health screening is most needed.

  • Keep your employees engaged in their own health.

  • Make it easy for employees to participate, understand the results and know what next steps are needed.


We know that fitting employee health screening into a busy schedule can be daunting, but we’ve done all the research for you to help. We put together some of our favorite tips from experts across the globe to make things easier. If it seems like a lot, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to employee wellness programs—so start small and pick one concept at a time. Soon enough, you’ll have the right program in place!

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