Can You Burn Calories Without Exercise?


Can You Burn Calories Without Exercise

Looking for ways to shed extra pounds without having to hit the gym? We don't blame you. Exercise is not for everyone. But can you really burn calories without exercise? In a word, yes. Burning calories requires your body to create heat and energy, which requires the consumption of oxygen. The process of breaking down food into energy also burns calories. Unfortunately, no matter how many times you tell yourself that eating an entire bag of Doritos will help you lose weight (because it's technically burning calories), it won't work—you'll just be left with a bellyache and some very regretful pants-tightening decisions. But if you're looking to go about your daily life and burn some extra calorie-burning magic, there are strategies that can work—and we've rounded up some of our favorite tried-and-true methods below:

Can You Burn Calories Without Exercise?

It's not impossible to burn calories without exercising.

It is possible to burn calories without exercising. You may think that you need to go for a run, or spend hours in the gym, but you don't. To understand how your body burns calories, it helps to think about it like this:

  • While at rest (sitting on the couch or standing still), you burn about 10 calories per hour.

  • While doing light activities (like walking around), you can burn anywhere from 20-60 calories per hour depending on how fast and how long you walk.

  • While doing moderate activities (like playing tennis), you can burn 100-200+ calories per hour!pa

You can burn calories at rest without exercise.

You can burn calories at rest without exercise. The calories you burn while resting are called basal metabolic rate and they're different from the amount of energy you use when exercising or simply moving around.

Your basal metabolic rate is calculated by multiplying your weight in pounds by 10, then multiplying the product by .75 if you're female, or .67 if you're male. If a person weighs 150 pounds and is female, her BMR will be 150 x 10 = 1500 x .75 = 1250 calories per day.

To increase your basal metabolic rate, try eating more protein than usual—something that's often hard for vegetarians to do on account of vegetable sources being relatively low in protein compared with animal sources like meat or dairy products (except for soy). You could also increase your vitamin D intake through supplements; vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones because it helps us absorb calcium from food sources such as milk products and leafy green vegetables. Finally, consider increasing the time between meals so that more time passes between each meal rather than just eating larger portions more frequently throughout each day; this will help keep your metabolism high!

The average person burns 1,000 to 3,000 calories per day without exercise.

The average person burns between 1,000

 and 3,000 calories per day without exercise. This number is dependent on several factors: age, gender, height and weight. Additionally, the less active you are (for example if you don't exercise much), the more calories you will burn at rest.

When it comes to calculating how many calories are burned by exercise or other activities (in addition to resting), there are a few different ways of doing this depending on what type of activity it is and how long it lasts for. For example:

  • If you walk 3 miles at an average pace for one hour without stopping then this would be considered moderate intensity activity; therefore when calculating your calorie burn rate during that period of time we would need to use an equation known as METs which stands for metabolic equivalent units.* If however instead I wanted just one single number that represented my total daily energy expenditure over 24 hours then this would be called Total Energy Expenditure (TEE).

Can You Burn Calories Without Exercise?

You can burn more calories than you normally would by incorporating certain activities into your life.

The average person burns between 1,000 and 2,000 calories in a day. However, there are ways to increase the number of calories you burn without exercising.

  • Using a standing desk: If you spend most of your day sitting down at a desk, consider switching to a standing desk for part or all of it. Studies have shown that standing for long periods of time can help burn more calories than sitting, and some studies have even shown that incorporating short breaks into your workday (like taking small stretches) could help raise your metabolism and improve weight loss efforts.

  • Playing on an exercise bike: Instead of watching TV or reading on an exercise bike during commercial breaks when it's time for your favorite show, try cycling instead. You might find that this is more fun than watching TV anyway!

  • Using an elliptical machine: The elliptical machine works out both your legs and arms through its motion pattern; this means you'll be burning more calories in less time than if you were just walking on the treadmill (which only works out one set of muscles).

You can increase the number of calories you burn even when you're not exercising.

You can increase the number of calories you burn even when you're not exercising.

  • Sitting more upright will make it slightly more difficult for your abdominal muscles to relax, which means that your breath has to work harder to keep things moving through your body. This small change in position can help you get a little bit more oxygen into each breath and utilize it more efficiently for energy production, which means burning a few extra calories as a result.

  • Holding an arm out straight in front of you with one hand on top of another at chest level (think: "I'm about to give myself a hug") and holding that position for five minutes every hour will burn around one hundred forty-four extra calories per day without any additional effort on your part!

  • If there's something nearby that requires effort—an open window or door—open it up wide enough so that it doesn't touch against anything else when open, then close it alllllllllll the way so no air can get through at all; then repeat this process twelve times over two minutes before opening back up again and repeating four more times; this is guaranteed* (*not guaranteed) way better than what we did as kids because we never thought about making sure our windows were completely shut before they were opened again so most likely no one ever burned any calories from doing this sorta thing back then but now thanks science we know better!

While it isn't possible to burn calories while you are sleeping or sitting at rest 100 percent of the time, there are ways to increase the number of calories you do burn without having to go to a gym or spend hours in the kitchen cooking.

There are a number of ways to burn calories without exercising, but the key is to make sure that you're doing so in a healthy way. For example, while it's true that you can burn calories while sleeping or sitting at rest 100 percent of the time, there are also ways to increase your caloric expenditure by increasing your activity level and eating more. In other words, instead of trying to burn energy by not moving at all (or only moving very little), try adding some physical activity into your day. This will help you gain more energy-consuming muscle mass and get closer to a healthy weight—without having to spend hours in an exercise class or kitchen!


While it might be hard to believe that you can burn calories without even having to lift a finger, there are definitely ways to increase the number of calories you do burn. This means less work for you and more results!

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